Who We Are
The Forensic Lab Service has as its object the preparation of all those support services for the technical management of road safety which are aimed at the safety of road users through the provision of services, in agreement with the Public Safety forces, to prevent and ascertain the state of alteration due to the intake of alcohol and drugs.
It carries out checks on the psychophysical state of drivers with state-of-the-art equipment and through specialized medical and technical personnel.
At the request of the Public Security forces, it carries out checks on biological matrices aimed at acquiring proof of the crime of driving under the influence of narcotic substances.

Forensic Lab service was born from twenty years of experience in providing rapid tests for the detection of drugs of abuse on any biological matrix.
Today we are also able to provide level II analyzes, with LC / MS techniques for confirming the result. Storage of the sample (chain of custody) in certified laboratories in the event of a request for disputes and counter-analysis.

WipeAlyser is used to analyze document, print and store DrugWipe S screening tests
DrugWipe S
DrugWipe S is a single-use rapid test and is used to detect traces of drugs in saliva