Support activities of the Public Safety forces, with a mobile vehicle, in the functions of controlling driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.
Supply of Doctors for the verification of the state of alteration.
Organization, technical management, control and prevention support services aimed at ascertaining the state of alteration due to the intake of alcohol and drugs.
Checks related to the psychophysical conditions of drivers with state-of-the-art equipment and through medical personnel for technical assessment.
Upon request of the police, we can carry out clinical screening of toxicological semeiotics, take liquids and biological matrices, carry out clinical tests with different analytical techniques, issue medical certifications.
We can also operate with the aid of mobile laboratories suitable for ensuring the carrying out on the road of the same checks, necessary to acquire the proof of the crime of driving in a state of alteration due to the use of drugs.
WipeAlyser is used to analyze document, print and store DrugWipe S screening tests
DrugWipe S
DrugWipe S is a single-use rapid test and is used to detect traces of drugs in saliva